B2B cooperations
boerse.de and investify TECH enter the embedded finance business
Published: 04.05.2022 | By investify
Already since 2002, the boerse.de shares newsletter “Aktienbrief” awards the title “Champion” to the 100 most long-term successful and safest shares in the world based on key performance indicators. For the first time, the new digital asset management “myChampions100” has made it possible for investors to invest in all 100 Champions shares starting from 100,000 Euro in their own securities account. The investments are managed by the boerse.de Vermögensverwaltung based in Rosenheim, the Luxembourg-German technology and regulatory provider investify TECH is the technical services provider, and Baader Bank serves as the depositary bank.
The investment service “myChampions100” is a so-called embedded finance offer, i.e. a business model where digitalised financial services are offered via distribution channels outside the classic banking channels. Embedded finance is one of the most significant trends in the FinTech sector that goes far beyond the subject of payment transactions. Together with the boerse.de Vermögensverwaltung, investify TECH has now realised an embedded wealth concept and, with that, an application that goes even deeper. Specificially:
Embedded finance – one of the most significant trends in the FinTech sector
Customers can now access and set up the digital asset management “myChampions100” directly via the familiar channels and user interfaces at boerse.de. By using the investify TECH platform in combination with the embedded wealth approach, the boerse.de Group, whose roots go back to 1987 (boerse.de was the first European financial portal to go online in 1994), is further strengthening its position as an innovative FinTech company.
“We are delighted to further expand our collaborations with the boerse.de Group with a forward-looking embedded wealth approach. On the one hand, the boerse.de Vermögensverwaltung has already successfully established itself as an asset manager with personal counselling and as an initiator of the boerse.de Champions Fund. On the other hand, the Rosenheim-based experts are the pioneers in financial portals and are thus already in an ideal position to provide such a successful offering. With our end-to-end approach we ensure that our partner can concentrate fully on developing targeted products and on marketing”, says Dr. Harald Brock, one of the managing directors at investify TECH.
Digital asset manager without detours
“We are meanwhile managing more than 300 million Euro in assets, but customers who would like to purchase our boerse.de funds, the boerse.de index certificates or the boerse.de Gold ETC always have to place an order via their bank or broker, which of course acts as a deterrent to some prospective customers. This is about to change thanks to the cooperation with investify TECH, which now enables customers to invest in the digital asset management “myChampions100” directly and at their convenience – in a fully digitally setting”, says Thomas Müller, founder and managing director of the boerse.de companies.
The new investment service “myChampions100” is transparent, rule-based and defensive. Starting from a investment amount of 100,000 Euro in their own securities account, investors can benefit directly from all 100 Champions shares, which have already demonstrated their outstanding investment quality for two decades. In this regard, the fractional share business of the depositary bank, Baader Bank, enables investors to purchase, for example, 0.4 Alphabet shares, 0.3 Amazon shares or 0.1 Lindt-Sprüngli shares.
There are four risk classes. Customers are informed about the portfolio development and all transactions via the “myChampions100” app at all times and receive the boerse.de shares newsletter “Aktienbrief” free of charge as an information medium for all 100 champions. The investment is managed by the boerse.de Vermögensverwaltung, a securities institution authorised by the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) that has committed itself to a strict code of ethics as a member of the Association of Independent Asset Managers Germany (VuV e.V.) and is a signatory of the United Nations “Principles for Responsible Investment” (UN PRI).
Embedded finance as a comprehensive carefree package
Not only investors, but also the boerse.de Vermögensverwaltung can look forward to smooth processes. From onboarding all the way to reporting, investify TECH takes over all tasks from a single source, including all back-office processes, to minimise the regulatory burden. “Our decision to partner with investify TECH was a conscious decision, as they provide the complete infrastructure for connecting and managing our investors. It allows us to easily scale our investment service. The platform approach also covers the further technical and regulatory development. We keep our ‘one-face-to-the-customer’ approach, and investors conclude the asset management contract with us. Specifically, this means that we are able to concentrate on our core competences, namely asset management and marketing”, Thomas Müller concludes.